Unit 11 - Talks EXTRA PRACTICE

 Here are some listening exercises regarding voice messages and talks from Unit 11


For each page below, try to identify the following three things, as we did in Unit 11.

Step 1 - Introduction - Who is calling? Who does the speaker want to talk to?

Step 2 - Purpose/background - Why are they calling? What problem does the speaker describe?

Step 3 - Request/Suggestion/option - What does the speaker want to do next? What do they suggest?

After you listen to each exercise, read the script and PRACTICE LISTENING again.

Page 1


- from this page, try Exercise 2, 3, 4 and 5

- click on *Answer and Transcript* to see the script and answers for each exercise

Page 2


- click on *Transcript* to read the script for this listening exercise

Page 3


- Click on the MP3 links from Message 1 to Message 6 to listen to each message

- as above, try to identify who is calling, why they are calling, who they want to speak to AND what they ask the other person to do 

- after that, click where it says *Click here to view message* to see a note with the callers information


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