Hello there. This is the link to all of the MP3s you will need for Unit 2 of your textbook. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1aH2Fd6ZK5KjOD2BsUPIp0ztnnxEglk45/view?usp=sharing You will need to download the whole zip file. I will post an explanation of each audio file below Track 7 - page 18, exercise 3 This is the script for Exercise 3. I will post a Google Document below https://docs.google.com/document/d/1lG2J_yhz7x3hIy0cvgBgGEOB1GAQvTBa07WyGAlS24g/edit?usp=sharing Track 8 - Page 20, Exercise 1 This is the script for Exercise 1 on page 20 - Tactic Practice Read the script below while you listen to the audio file. Think about the correct answers AND think about why the DISTRACTOR answers are wrong, as you read about on page 19 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1vM8-pGk9tRf8vBqsyLHPEOld4HbchjgQj3Meej-bCAk/edit?usp=sharing Track 9 - Page 21, Exercise 2 Tag Questions - Script is below https://docs.google.com/document/d/1LuN3pj-hFSXTU9fhUrQI175n1P93Pr6ARVdcoCHvjG4/ed...